“BioEYES Awarded Viktor Hamburger Outstanding Educator Prize”

Marsha E. Lucas, The Society for Developmental Biology

“The partnership of a scientist and an educator made BioEYES a success. Shuda was able to take Farber’s many great ideas, and then hone in on those that were actually doable for a classroom of 30 students. She studied the educational standards for different age groups and designed the BioEYES program around them. In an interview prior to the SDB meeting she said her focus was ‘how can we take something that’s already suppose to be taught, but do it in a way that’s very student centered, that actually gets them to explore science, and allows the teachers to actually have fun teaching these concepts.’ The program gets students to think like a scientist while at the same time reinforces basic reading, writing, and math skills.”


"Making a Difference: Education at the 10th International Conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics"


BioEYES' environmental program, "Your Watershed, Your Backyard"