Become a BioEYES Teacher
Each year teachers participate in local workshops where they learn about BioEYES, zebrafish, and where they meet with scientists in a laboratory setting. All teachers that are new to BioEYES are required to attend a training workshop, while multi-year teachers have the option to attend for a refresher and to learn new techniques.
Our ultimate goal is to train teachers to deliver our programs independently, with materials loaned to them by the BioEYES host organization. How this works is that in year two, teachers may co-teach alongside a BioEYES outreach educator. By year three teachers may be ready to teach the unit autonomously as Model Teachers. All program materials are loaned to them, and support is offered to a teacher, regardless of level, on an ongoing basis.
Teachers participating in a workshop will receive:
Training in our zebrafish classroom experiments
A guarantee that we will visit your classroom during the school year
Free equipment and resources
A grade appropriate teacher manual with additional reading, writing, and math activities
Professional development credits from the school district (may not be available at all locations)
For more information about our teacher workshops, please contact your regional outreach educator.