BioEYES open: How zebrafish capture budding scientists’ imaginations

Monash Lens

“‘The whole goal of the program,’ [BioEYES coordinator Laura Reid] says, ‘is to de-stigmatise science, make it accessible for all students, regardless of their background, socioeconomic status, cultural background, gender, wherever students may come from. It's available, it's accessible, and encourages everyone to take an interest in science. Unsolicited feedback from previous BioEYES students has demonstrated that this program has been instrumental in influencing them to pursue degrees in the FMNHS [Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences] … Through our outreach efforts, we hope to continue to offer students across Victoria the same opportunities to consider careers as a research scientist.’”


Junior scientists uncover secrets of the zebrafish, and get hooked on STEM


BioEYES at University of Pennsylvania Medicine